
A message from the Chair: CAER at Conservative Conference

Electoral reformers at conservative conference

We would like to thank all those who attended our electoral reform fringe event at the Conservative 2022 conference. It was fantastic to be in Birmingham surrounded by fellow party members concerned about the future of our great democracy. We had a great turnout that filled the room with an engaging debate on electoral reform. A special thanks goes to …

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The perfect constitutional monarch

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We all mourn our late beloved Queen for many reasons, not least the constancy and pillar of strength she personified through very turbulent times and significant change. As she lived her both family and civic life in the full glare of public gaze she showed empathy and sensitivity to her subjects and those overseas which endeared her and provided a …

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A flawed system means a sense of fair play is missing in local elections

Polling Station sign on post

The 2022 local elections were tougher than expected. While recent political events certainly shoulder some of the blame, the ineffective electoral system further dented Conservative representation across the country. Since 2019, 29 councils outside of London have failed to correctly represent the Conservative vote. In these boroughs, Conservative councillors who had popular support have been denied seats. London is even …

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